We don’t just rail your containers.
Wefree up the roadsreduce your emissionsavoid traffic jamsare your partner
Who we are
Combinant (Combined Terminal Antwerp) is an open access rail terminal for intermodal transportation, located in the port of Antwerp-Bruges.
Combinant was founded as a joint venture between BASF, Hupac and Hoyer with the support of Europe and the Flemish Government.
Combinant helps lowering the environmental impact by replacing a part of road haulage with rail.

5 x 630m
1 x 750m

rail mounted gantries (RMG’s)




Truck and rail photogate

TEU storage capacity

trailer parking spaces

trains per day

units on a yearly base


years of exellence
Tank repair
Wagon repair
Wagon shuntings
Stuffing and stripping
Reefer connections
Depot (non ADR)
For further information on these services please e-mail to info@combinant.be
Intermodal Transport
With intermodal transportation, in the path between supplier and customer, a large part of the road transport is replaced by rail transport.
This results in less road saturation, a smaller environmental impact and safer roads.

Combinant is located in the north of the port of Antwerp-Bruges and is easily accessible from the A12 motorway and from the Scheldelaan.
The total area of Combinant is approximately 1 km by 100 m, or 20 soccer fields.

Train Network
With its central location in the port of Antwerp-Bruges and the cooperation with different train operators Combinant can offer extensive European rail network services.
Destination | Roundtrips | Operator |
Bettembourg | 3x | CFL |
Le Boulou | 3x | CFL |
Terneuzen | 3x | Hupac |
Barcelona | 10x | Hupac |
Perpignan | 10x | Hupac |
Ludwigshafen | 5x | Hupac |
Duisburg DGT | 3x | Hupac |
Busto | 6x | Hupac |
Duisburg Duss | 3x | Kombiverkehr |
Madrid | 3x | Kombiverkehr |
Verona | 3x | Mercitalia |
Bayonne | 5x | Novatrans |
Joint Venture
Combinant was founded as a joint venture between BASF, Hupac and Hoyer with the support of Europe and the Flemish Government.
- BASF Antwerp is the largest chemical production site in Belgium. BASF Antwerp strives for a sustainable “supply chain” by reducing road transport’s share in favor of rail transportation.
- Hupac is a leader in transalpine transportation with the Benelux countries as main market. Hupac supports the terminal capacity for future growth.
- Hoyer wants to expand the terminal infrastructure in order to build up a pan-European intermodal network.

Environmental Aspect
By replacing road transport with rail transport Combinant ensures 140,000 fewer trucks will be driving on the roads annually.
140,000 fewer trucks means 30,000 tons CO2 emissions less annually.
140,000 trucks less annually stands for 50 million driving kilometers less or 10 km traffic jams less daily.

Combinant was established with support from EFRO (European Regional Development Fund) and co-financing of the Flemish Government.
The aid is part of the Operational Programme “Regional Competitiveness and Employment” Flanders 2007-2013, priority 3: “Achieving a sustainable strengthening of economic ports and international multimodal accessibility“.
Combinant meets the requirements of this program because it:
- makes the supply chain more efficient
- reduces trucks on the road
- reduces the environmental impact
- creates jobs
- strengthenes the European intermodal network

Latest news
Vacature: Terminal Planner
Adjusted opening hours holiday period
Combinant, as a terminal, offers important access to the European network of intermodal transport and has been a reliable partner for years.
Their state of the art facilities and efficient solution driven services have a crucial added value in our process driven difficult intermodal supply chain.
In our service industry – people make the difference. The customer and solution driven approach of the very professional Combinant team is crucial for our environmental modal shift ambitions
We are ready for the next 10 years!
With their wide range of destinations in Europe, Combinant has become an indispensable terminal for the Port of Antwerp.
What our visitors say
Combinant NV
B-2040 Antwerp
Sa 08:00 – 12:00
General information |